Here’s some in progress pics of our new LARP. We still don’t know what it’s about because we’re waiting for our LARP workshop to decide that part. For now we’re just making crazy costumes and pom poms. I’m sure they’ll be useful somehow. 🙂

In preparation for our upcoming LARP workshop, we took a field trip out to the reDiscover Center in Culver City. The director Mary Beth Trautwein met us there to show us around. reDiscover takes discarded materials donated by businesses and reuses them for art and education. What this means is that they have a warehouse of random materials in large quantities. Awesome!

Game Lab researchers David O’Grady and Harrison Gish, both PhD students dissertating on video games in Cinema and Media Studies at UCLA, are published in the new Encyclopedia of Video Games (2012, ABC-CLIO). O’Grady and Gish contributed about a half-dozen entries on a variety of video game subjects, from interfaces to key faces in the industry. The encyclopedia is intended to serve researchers, designers, and others as an essential general reference for all aspects of the field. Congratulations guys!