Rodeo Rodeo Rodeo
Players steer their horse by tilting the board while holding onto the horns
Created in the Spring 2012 Games Design Class (DESMA 157A), taught Eddo SternMEDIUM
Foam Core, Paint, Hot Glue, MarblesPEOPLE
Julia Wang : Game DesignerThe objective of the game is to accumulate the most Rodeo points. This can be done by getting a fast time on the course, completing the optional side paths, and with Horseshoes. The player with the most Rodeo points at the end of the game is the winner.
Each player chooses their horse (marble) at the beginning of the game and remains with the horse until the end of the game. Players steer their horse by tilting the board while holding onto the horns. PLayers must complete three laps on the boards played. The main path is marked in yellow.
The inactive player keeps and records the time. To calculate Rodeo Points obtained from course time, take 5 minutes and subtract the player’s time from it. The resulting number (in seconds) is the amount of Rodeo Points obtained.
Paths marked in red are optional Side Paths. Only if players complete the side paths on every lap do they get the points. Side Paths are a 50 Rodeo Point bonus.
Players start with 3 random Horseshoes. Players declare whether they want choice A or B before the race. Players reveal horseshoes after the races.