Walter Langelaar is a Dutch artist who lives and works in Rotterdam and Berlin. Currently working in the field of post-interactive sculpture, he deploys dedicated machines into a variety of gallery, festival and party circuits. His working interested include open source game engines, bot AI and neural networks, and “strange loops” through virtual and physical realities. He works with a wide variety of media including computer games, hacked electronic devices, software, video, sculpture and performance.
online at: http://lowstandart.net/
Come help us kick off our game movie series with Double Dragon, the under-appreciated 1994 film adaptation of the classic game. Snacks! Fun! Roundhouse kicks!
Monday, February 28, 5 PM
Broad Art Center – EDA
Visit the Game Lab site to read an interview with Cactus, prolific designer of games dabbling in the bizarre, the absurd, the experimental, the amazing.

Tonight at 6 is Coordinate Quest, a game by Tom Sennet whom you might remember as the quirky developer behind games like Tom Sennet, Procrastinator and the perhaps slightly more interesting but no less ridiculous RunMan: Race Around the World.

The goal is to assemble a team and coordinate together to find all the MACGUFFIN MUFFINS before anyone else. Upon finding all muffins, each team can email Tom Sennet with the coordinates for ETERNAL GLORY. Alas, finding these muffins is no easy task, Tom explains, “it’s not merely a matter of walking around to find these muffins. There are obstacles – obstacles which can only be overcome by skill, cunning, and coordination.” Check out the full description of the game here, and once you have your team assembled, sign up here.
After two days, Global Game Jam is over!
Some guys you might recognize organized “So Many Rooms” as part of the Global Game Jam. The premise is to implement their flash api (templates interfacing this api with flashpunk and flixel were also provided) and create a one room game. When the game ends, it automatically transitions to the next. Players can also hit Return to skip to the next game. All games are controlled only with the arrows keys, z and x. Over 30 rooms were submitted! The games themselves as you might imagine offer a wide range of gameplay. Some generic, some unique, some downright weird. It’s particularly interesting to experience the second level of gameplay that is created with the additional option of skipping games. I also found myself wishing I could go back to previous games that abruptly ended for whatever (arbitrary) reason.
You can play the games over at So Many Rooms.
Wiki calls for papers is a searchable directory of open calls for paper. There’s a fairly large “Game” category on the site as well so if you have a paper on games you want to submit, mosey on over to see if one of the calls fits your paper.