UCLA Game Lab @ Refest 2019
CultureHub's Refest is to bring artists, activists, and technologists together to explore our role in re-shaping the future.
Friday, April 15, 20196:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m
Located at Navel in Downtown LA1611 S Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
The UCLA Game Lab exhibited in CultureHub’s Refest 2019, the festival that brings together artists, activists and technologists! Our iconic Arcade Backpack roamed the festival with a selection of our quintessential games including Guattari Hero by John Brumley, Moshmanbo by Miller Klitsner and Samson Klitsners, GoldenStern by Eddo Stern and Jon Haddobes ck, Ulitsa Dimitrova by Lea Schönfelder & Gerard Delmàs, Horse Game by Adeline Ducker & Nick Crockett,the UCLA Game Lab Arcade Backpack by David Elliott, Steven Amrhein, Eddo Stern, Tyler Joseph Stefanich, Alex Rickett, and Jen Agosta. We also had a blast playing our food games, which involved real food and eating! Food games included Sandswitch by Hsinyu Lin, Lilyan Kris, and Sofia Staab-Gulbenkian, Ddook Ddak Kimbap by Eddo Stern, Holla’ Pain Yo by Steven Amrhein, John Brumley, Amanda Ho, and Alex Rickett.