Holla Pain Yo
Holla' Pain Yo is a competitive game in which two teams lighten a seesaw by drinking jalapeño water through a tube.
Created for Punk ArcadeMEDIUM
Wood, buckets, nails, balloons, habanerosPEOPLE
Steven Amrhein : Game DesignerJohn Brumley : Game Designer
Amanda Ho : Game Designer
Alex Rickett : Game Designer
Holla’ Pain Yo is a competitive game in which two teams compete to lighten a bucket of jalapeño water at their end of a shared seesaw and pop the balloon hovering above it. However, the only way to remove the water is by drinking the spicy liquid through a tube. Players attempt to suck down as much of the painful mixture as they can before passing the tube onto the next team. The first team to drink enough water to push the seesaw high enough to pop the balloon wins.