Ddook Ddak Kimbap!
Two teams attempt to build a spring roll by stealing ingredients out from underneath the Dokkaebi's tentacles.
Created as part of Eat, Play, Love and shown at the 2015 UCLA Game Art Festival.MEDIUM
Arduino, Foam balls, spring roll ingredientsPEOPLE
Tyler Stefanich : Game DesignerCamella DaEun Kim : Game Designer
Alex Rickett : Game Designer
Ddook Ddak Kimbap! is a game in which two teams attempt to build a spring roll by stealing ingredients out from underneath the Dokkaebi’s tentacles. The game table is set with piles of spring roll ingredients, all guarded by a spinning, conductive Ddook Ddak Kimbap!. If the Dokkaebi’s tendrils touch the conductive chopsticks, irritating pop music and video will blast out of the game table, signaling the player’s defeat. The first team to get enough ingredients and finish their spring rolls wins.