Posted on November 21st, 2016
by Sofia Staab-Gulbenkian

Adeline Ducker

Age: 27
Hometown: Palo Alto, CA
Prior Education:UCLA Design | Media Arts
Current City: Los Angeles, CA
Role in UCLA Game Lab: Game Lab Resident



Classroom Aquatic (WIP)
Nuclear Family (2014)
Totem’s Sound (2014)
Cryptoid Blues (2012)
Monkey Soup (2010)
Documentation here!


What are you doing now?

I freelance and work on Classroom Aquatic.


How would you describe your experience at UCLA Game Lab?

I feel like the Game Lab really encourages games a as form of self expression. Many of the experimental projects created here challenge conventional gaming wisdom.




What did you find valuable at UCLA Game Lab? What did you learn during your time here?

I love the diversity of people and the creative energy at the Game Lab. Its energizing to be in a community where unconventional games are being created. Our cultural zeitgeist on gaming is dying. Games can be anything.


What would you tell other prospective students about UCLA Game Lab?

You should come in willing to have your paradigm challenged on what a game “should” and “shouldn’t” be.




What do you want to do in the future?

Not sure really. I’m still figuring everything out. Currently I’m working on the creative design and art for Classroom Aquatic. The game should be released later this year.