Primal nest
Primal Nest is an experimental 3D video game where the viewer can navigate the virtual landscape through an inter-vaginal perspective.
Independent ProjectMEDIUM
Unity3d, and 3d TelevisionPEOPLE
Sanglim Han : Game DesignerPrimal Nest is an experimental 3D video game where the viewer is invited to play. A participant can zoom into the frame and navigate the virtual landscape through an inter-vaginal perspective. The interior is a female womb, humanity’s primal nest, imagined and constructed with disembodied legs, arms, hands, fingers, and toes. The virtual reality scene contains a light source, water, and sound. Shadow, reflection, and echo are rendered in real-time as the viewer explores. The work is installed in domestic environments — ordinary entertainment centers that include TV, table, and video game consoles — so as to be approachable and interacted with instinctively.