There’s Horse Meat In The Meatball Soup!!!
A grave mistake has happened at the racetrack - the expected-to-win horse somehow ended up in the meat grinder!
Created in the Fall 2017 Game Design class (DESMA 157), taught by Eddo SternMEDIUM
Acrylic lid and game bits, yarn meatballs, cards, bowlsPEOPLE
Stephanie Tam : Game DesignerA grave mistake has happened at the racetrack – the expected-to-win horse somehow ended up in the meat grinder! As a waiter at the racetrack diner, you know which horse will win the race because you witnessed the board of the racetrack replaced the dead champion horse with an injured look-a-like. You want to place a bet, but don’t have enough money to purchase the last available ticket reserved for the wait staff. To earn the money for the ticket, you must ensure that the bowl of meatball soup you serve the wealthy patrons grabbing lunch at the racetrack has no horse meat in it. Race your co-waiter to remove all the horse meat from your rich customer’s meatball soup to earn the most tips and secure your ticket! Fish out all the horse meat from your bowl faster than your opponent to send a horse meat free meatball soup to your customer and gain their tips over multiple rounds. Whoever makes 50 dollars first wins!