Aram Bartholl: Texturegrammetry Workshop
Live Handmade Texture Generation For Minecraft
Monday June 6, 20165:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Located at Broad Art Center at the UCLA Game Lab room 3252Make your own textures with any technique from watercolor to empty-your-pockets collage. In this two hour workshop we’ll use physical materials and collage to be displayed on 3D surfaces in games and upload them to an online Texture Shop we’ll create.
Aram Bartholl’s work creates an interplay between internet, culture and reality. The versatile communication channels are taken for granted these days, but how do they influence us? According to the paradigm change of media research Bartholl not just asks what man is doing with the media, but what media does with man. The tension between public and private, online and offline, technology infatuation and everyday life creates the core of his producing. In public interventions and public installations Bartholl examines which and how parts of the digital world can reach back into reality.