2012 International Games Day
Come and celebrate International Games Day at UCLA in Powell Library!
Friday, November 16, 201210:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
This event will take place in the Rotunda of UCLA's Powell Library. Admission is free and open to the public.Come and celebrate International Games Day at UCLA! Stop by the Rotunda in Powell Library for four hours of fun and games on campus. Drop in any time between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to play board and video games, hear talks from game creators, meet people and make new connections. Bring a friend or two for some multiplayer fun. Admission is FREE!
Check out some of our featured games:
All Terrain Derby: A free for all roller derby game by Amanda Fung.
Decibal: A game about electronic music culture by Phil Tomas.
(M)eat: A game about information or misinformation sorrounding eating meat by Helen Owen.
Real Women have hair: A game about the extremes that women go through to remove body hair by Noorin Dorosti
Lots of Love: A game about the benefits of polygamy By Valentina Vee
FOB: A simulation of life being a non native english speaker in America by Bling Chen.
Comsicat Crunchies A bullet hell eat-em-up you can play with your face by Alex Rickett and Peter Lu.
Cyptoid Blue: A game about your typical 8 foot 7 inch yeti.