  • UserID

    ** Warning: Strobing images, mild body horror ** userID is a puzzle game and narrative exploration of identity.

  • As Above As Below

    An interactive animation exploring the Western idea of the human body and its relation to cleanliness, holiness, and purity as well as filth, waste, and "impurities."

  • If caring becomes owning, and owning becomes tiring

    Examine systems of care in video games that feed on attachment and ownership.

  • Super Power Hour V5

    Students create their own superhero characters with wildly different abilities

  • Mud Room

    I’m slowly turning my family into a dungeon. Mud Room is a peek into a room in that dungeon.

  • Oil Refinery

    A VR World combining a queered construction of a toxic space with voice overs from the artist's mother about her 30 years working in an oil refinery.

  • Grandma’s Ocean

    3 women in 3 different time periods. Their generation connection cycles through different political influences, carrying love, trauma, and tattered ideas of home.

  • UserID

    ** Warning: Strobing images, mild body horror ** userID is a puzzle game and narrative exploration of identity.

  • As Above As Below

    An interactive animation exploring the Western idea of the human body and its relation to cleanliness, holiness, and purity as well as filth, waste, and "impurities."

synonym for a circle

Synonym for a Circle is an interactive virtual reality experience that simulates a circle dance through user interaction with a kinetic sculpture.

Tear Shaped Door

Tear Shaped Door is an interactive game installation in which players can lick a boot clean. The fastest lick is recorded and displayed on the secondary screen.

Cyberside Picnic

Cyberside Picnic is a eulogy for the cyberian commonplace that just eluded us.