A pig trades furniture with the player in exchange for images of the player's body.
Created in the Winter 2020 Worldbuilding class (DESMA 171), taught by Eddo SternMEDIUM
Zhengzhou Huang : Game DesignerThis project is a game and installation happening in three spaces: the play area, the backstage area and the social room (similar to a waiting room). In the play area, an NPC pig trades furniture with the player in exchange for images of the player’s body. The shopping system is hidden, operating in the backstage area, where a game master manually processes images and video collected from the players. These images are then used to produce poster advertisements for the virtual furniture company Pigxell. These posters are then distributed in the social space, where people are lounging. This project explores the possibility of digital life, the ambiguity of the relationship between personal control and automated commerce, and the crevices between personalization, identity making and image production.