A Modern Wargame
Should civilians be present in Donetsk Verdansk? Should players have access to killstreaks, like Predator UAVs or white phosphorus?
Created for THE LAST ONLINE SHOW! 2021 MFA thesis exhibition.MEDIUM
Sam Malabre : Game DesignerA Modern Wargame is a role playing game adapted from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and its spin off battle-royal mode Call of Duty: Warzone framed as a “development document” written by Modern Warefare’s Narrative Director Taylor Kurosaki and Campaign Gameplay Director Jacob Minkoff. It pairs with “Game Pieces — 0: Rules for the Construction of the Roleplaying Games” by iterating on the roots of RPGs in war simulation.
This development document is imagined as an RPG used to help them plot ideas for linking the story of Modern Warfare to the new Warzone mode and to quickly test drastic changes to Warzone. Should civilians be present in Donetsk Verdansk? Should players have access to killstreaks, like Predator UAVs or white phosphorus? These questions are explored in the design and structure of this RPG.