Walter Langelaar: Roll Your Own OS Workshop
...getting familiar with customized Operating Systems for creative coding and ad-hoc/intervention-style hacking.
Thursday, March 17, 20115:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Located at Broad Art Center at the UCLA Game Lab room 3252A Workshop with Game Lab Artist in Residence, Walter Langelaar
In the first part of this workshop we’ll look at the basics of customizing an operating system to your specific needs, and subsequently how to make a backup of the modified system onto a Live CD and/or bootable USB drive – so you can use it anywhere. We will mostly focus on an Ubuntu-based working environment, however other (GNU/Linux) methods and situations will also be discussed through example projects.
No prior GNU/Linux specific nerdhood or other tech skills required, all are welcome – just bring yr laptop and a USB stick!
After the break we’ll go into more detail and look at several strands of practice you can get involved in through using open source software, as well as some of the more obscure programs and hacks that are to be found in the nets.
Two main focuses will be on setting your machine up for wireless hacking and on a fully customized working environment for 3D game-level editing and prototyping interactive/responsive spaces.