Melrose Trading Post LARP Day 1
Posted on October 9th, 2012
David Elliot
We made it through our first day at the Melrose Trading Post. We’ve learned a few things from it and plan to make improvements based on what we have learned for next Sunday. Our boot was looking pretty sweet but it was missing some much needed signage. I think we just barely made the bar in the costumery department but the patrons have set that pretty high so we might need to kick it up a notch to make ourselves really noticed next Sunday. What we were most lacking though was the theatrical energy. I hope to recruit some students from the Theater department this week to compensate for that deficiency. Also we broke one of the fundamental pillars of LARP design: “All Are Participants” We really thought it would be a good idea to break this rule but in hindsight I think maybe we must first master the rules before we break them.