Scott Lee: The Independent Startup
Scott Lee will discuss his experiences at Riot Games and Smilu and highlight the differences between Indie and AAA.
Thursday, January 24, 20135:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Located at Broad Art Center at the UCLA Game Lab room 3252Lee is the CEO of Smilu, Inc. and the executive producer of ICON: Area. He will discuss his experiences at Riot Games and Smilu and highlight the differences between Indie and AAA.
Smilu is a developer of cross-platform, synchronous multiplayer games as well as proprietary back-end solutions to support such games.
Scott Lee, the former Head of Recruitment at Riot Games, leads Smilu, Inc. Scott has worked closely with top game developers such Naughty Dog and Trion Worlds where he strategically grew teams and developed company culture.