TL;DR [the shape of the internet (Orgy)]
TL;DR [the shape of the internet (Orgy)] is an immersive interactive installation that explores the concept of free play.
Personal ProjectMEDIUM
Unity3d, stretchy fabric, polyFil, projector, game controller and sensorsPEOPLE
Theo Triantafyllidis : Game DesignerTL;DR [the shape of the internet (Orgy)] is an immersive interactive installation that explores the concept of free play. Upon entering the space, the viewer is confronted by a 40-foot noodle and a surrounding three-wall projection of biomorphic creatures animated in real time. When the noodle is squished, tossed, sat on, or otherwise moved, hidden sensors inside of it trigger the animation of the projected creatures. The more the audience plays with the noodle, the stranger the projection and reactive soundtrack becomes, building up to a surprise finale.