Journey of fulfillment/futility & dreams/destruction & stereotypes/(trouble)shooting

Your mission now, if you choose to accept And you must accept because this is a linear path There is no escape You are now in hero mode




Created in the Winter 2020 Worldbuilding class (DESMA 171), taught by Eddo Stern


Unity 3D


Jodi Cheung  :  Game Designer

For your entertainment / For your visual pleasure / For your protection / Enter, player, for you are the chosen one / As your fortune states / Your mission now, if you choose to accept / And you must accept because this is a linear path / There is no escape / You are now in hero mode

Journey of fulfillment/futility & dreams/destruction & stereotypes/(trouble)shooting is about the tropes and archetypes of a hero’s journey as a guise for the pursuit of fulfillment and escapism in life. There is emphasis on the second person and subtle hints throughout the game suggesting state machines and power structures. The music, edited by Dasul Kim, is a mix of slowed down circus music and factory sounds.