New UCLA Game Lab Works Jan/Feb 2014
New games from the UCLA Game Lab in Jan/Feb 2014.
We’ve just finished a big update of the UCLA Game Lab Games page – check out all the new games! We’ve got a number of works from undergrad, grads, and alumni.
The world’s first stealth/trivia game for the Oculus Rift.
You are Cu, the captain of the newest model of mobile aerial combat weaponry EXO. With the help of Fin, you are to defeat the System.
Use a Wiimote to control one of three personalities of a schizophrenic man with multiple personality disorder.
A trading card game about the inherent shallow nature of popular dance music.
Reconstruct your self identity as a non-native U.S. citizen.
Attempt to immigrate to the United States through Angel Island.
Follow the journey of different kinds of smokers as they trade the items and tools necessary to feed their cigarette habits.
Find your iPhone after attending the Oscars.
A virtual reality environment highlighting the atrocities of nuclear weaponry.