Pointless Mindscape
Created in the Spring 2020 Senior Projects: Interactivity & Games class (DESMA 159A), taught by Theo TriantafyllidisMEDIUM
April Ding : Game Designer
Pointless Mindscape is a 2D platform-adventure game where the player plays as the main character, Orby. Orby is born into a world between their past life and next life, a limbo they are unable to escape unless they complete building the bridge that leads to the gate of the next life. Throughout the game, Orby receives messages which their past friends and families burnt for them, containing memories of their past life. They sometimes come across lost spirits that linger in this world and give Orby a little bit of warmth. In return, they tell snippets of their past lives. Flowers act as guidance throughout the game. If the player finds all five flowers, the bridge to the next world appears. When the bridge is found, the player has a choice to either cross it or not. Pointless Mindscape is an experience for people who fall into the limbo of nostalgia and have trouble moving on.